History Day

National History Day - The official NHD site that covers everything you need to know about the contest.

Florida History Day - Florida's own level of NHD that features its own event information, guidelines, and tips.



mega site with resources for teachers, students and parents

Pinellas Public Library Cooperative - Libraries are invaluable sources of research information. If you're looking for anything to do with Pinellas County libraries, visit this site; they currently have fifteen librarires listed.

St. Petersburg Times Advanced Search - Get directly to the information you need with the extensive archives of the St. Petersburg Times.

Clearwater Public Libary System

sources for American History

national archives, the library of the United States

Pinellas Schools Library Resources

Database search of millions of Documents



The History Channel - The History Channel's site is feature-oriented but extensive. It has manyvaluable resources, and it of course has plenty of articles and merchandise relating to its TV programming.

TheHistoryNet - TheHistoryNet is more of a history resource that's well-organized and updated often.


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